Antonio Tugores Vázquez “Ghimel”

Director of the Escuela internacional de Yoga Mallorca, located in palma; Yoga teacher trainer.

¿A Fortuitous done? I guess like many people in this life my career changed radically after an accident which forced me to visit the hospital for paraplegics in Toledo, where I remained five months… 10 years of therapies, massages, osteopaths, operations… from this experience, I focused health from a different perspective and it was through the practice of Yoga that i found an holistic health for humans.

So in 2001, I started training in “Soaham” Integral Yoga School, which no longer will never end. In 2003 I was Director of the Centre of Yoga “Soaham Manacor.” In 2004 I rode my own Yoga center in Palma de Mallorca, and delegation “Witryh” integral yoga school. In 2007 I established myself as an independent center “Mediterraneo School of Yoga” and also finished training as a Yoga Teacher Trainer for the “Witryh” school.

Since 2004 I collaborated in the creation of the Spanish Federation of Yoga Satsanga, participating in the coordination of several national conferences (Mallorca 04 Jaca 05, Málaga 06 and Lleida 07) and in 2006 to 2007 I became president of the Federation.

Powered by my deep concern to evolve and integrate into my new training perspectives and experiential knowledge, my life and my practice of Yoga got a great roll with the beginning of 2008 it is precisely in 2008 when attending a training course with Godfrey Devereux (introducer Dynamic Yoga in Europe) and complete a major stage in my training. It was a time of important changes renewed horizons and work with people who took my experience to more advanced levels. This new direction also broke with all the above and undertake new projects, among which the opening of a new center of Yoga in Mallorca in close collaboration with the International School of Yoga, where I found affinity and common goals that will allow me to from now on, transmit and share my experiences and way of understanding Yoga.

Moreover, i share the proposed regularization of Yoga in Spain and union of different schools through the Spanish Federation of Professional Yoga and European Yoga Federation.
